Your smile is a very crucial part of your general appearance. If you do not like the way your smile looks it may greatly affect your self-esteem and communication with other people. There are many cosmetic dentistry procedures that your dentist can use to improve your smile.
The procedures may not only be cosmetic as sometimes they can also have a valuable impact on your health such as improving your bite:
Inlays are a long lasting filling for teeth with decay and structural damage. Made from composite materials, inlays are made in a laboratory using a mold of the clients bite and fitted into the teeth of the client using an adhesive. This cosmetic procedure is better than normal fillings since they match the color of the teeth and last longer.
Bonding and dental veneers
Chipped, broken and discolored teeth may not cause an immediate risk to your health but they may affect your appearance. Composite bonding is a cosmetic dental procedure that restores chipped and broken teeth using enamel like composite material. The material can also be applied on the surface of the tooth to cover up discolored teeth. The molten material is sculptured into shape around the tooth by the dentist and then hardened using a high intensity light. Dental veneers can also restore chipped, spaced and discolored teeth.
Teeth whitening
This is the most common and usually most affordable cosmetic dental procedure available. Teeth discoloration caused by coffee, smoking, aging and medication can be improved using various methods such as toothpastes, gels and whitening trays. However, in-house teeth whitening by a dentist is the best way to get rapid and long lasting results.
Dental implants
If you have lost a tooth and do not want to leave the gap exposed, you can use dental implants to fill the gap. Dental implants are replacements for lost teeth or badly decayed teeth that need to be removed. Dental implants restore a youthful appearance since they fill up the gums and make your face look fuller as well.
Contouring and reshaping
Crooked, overlapping and irregularly shaped teeth can also be corrected in a single session rather than using braces for months. This cosmetic procedure is ideal for people with healthy teeth to make small changes to their smile. It can also help to improve the bite. It combines a couple of the other dental treatments such as bonding, veneers and inlays.
To learn more, contact a professional such as Robert J Bauder DMD for more help.