If you have diabetes, you should understand that you need to take extra steps in caring for your teeth.  This is because you are more susceptible to some dental problems, such as periodontist and salivary gland dysfunction. Below is some more information about these two problems so you can watch out for them.


When you have diabetes, it reduces your body's immune system and can increase your chances of developing periodontitis, which is an infection in the gums. If this problem is not taken care of promptly, the inflammation will spread along the teeth, and your gum pockets will become deeper. Once this happens, your jaw bone will start to dissolve.

In the very early stages of this disease, you may not notice any changes in your teeth. This is why it is important to have your teeth cleaned every six months, as the dental hygienist can easily see that you are developing this problem.

You may have some warning signs, however. One of the main ones is that your gums will bleed, become tender, and become swollen. You will notice this mostly when you brush your teeth. Once your gums start to recede, pus builds up between your teeth and gums. This can cause you to have bad breath and have a bad taste in your mouth.

If the problem becomes bad enough, the dentist may suggest pulling your teeth and replacing them with dentures or dental implants.

Salivary Gland Dysfunction

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, is common with people that have diabetes. Saliva is important for your oral health because it washes away food that is left in your mouth after you eat a meal. It also helps to keep your mouth moist. If you do not have enough saliva, bacteria can build up and adhere to your teeth enamel, the back of your throat, and your tongue. This bacterium produces sugar-based acids, which increases the rate of gum disease and dental decay.

There are many ways you can help with dry mouth. Chewing sugar free gum or sucking on a sugar free lozenge will increase saliva production. Your dentist will prescribe a mouthwash to moisten your mucous membranes.

You should also make sure you brush and floss your teeth in the morning, after each meal, and at night to prevent the acid from building up on your teeth.

When you get your sugar levels under control, this should greatly help with your dry mouth problem.

Talk with your dentist about these two problems, as they can give you more detailed information. Check out this blog for additional reading
