Losing weight is a good thing, especially if you are trying to do so for improving your health. If you wear dentures, however, you may have found that your weight loss has caused your dentures to become loose. When your dentures are loose, it can be difficult to eat and talk. Learn more about how you can keep your dentures fitting as tightly as your natural teeth with mini implants.
You May Be a Good Candidate for Mini Implants for Your Dentures
If you would like to have your dentures attached to your gums with mini implants, you will need to visit your dentist to learn whether you are a good candidate for this procedure. To have implants placed in your gums, your jawbone will need to be dense enough. If your jawbone is not strong or dense enough for holding in implants, you will need to discuss a procedure called bone grafting with your dental professional. Many people have bone grafting done for building up their jawbones before getting implants. In some cases, people that have worn traditional dentures for a long time have experienced bone absorption, a natural process when bone tissue shrinks after tooth loss. Bone grafting can work to increase the strength of your jawbone for implants.
You Should Seriously Consider Stationary Dentures with Mini Implants
If you have lost a significant amount of fat and are at a healthy weight now, you do not want to risk losing too much too fast. Rapid weight loss can mean the kind of loss that is easy to gain back fast as well. To prevent unwanted weight loss once you have reached your weight-loss goal, making sure you are able to chew properly is essential. If your dentures are keeping you from eating a healthy diet or eating at all, you could lose more weight than you need to. Taking the time to discuss your options for mini implants is a good idea for helping you to maintain the weight you are at right now.
Your Beautiful Smile Complements Your New Body
After significant weight loss, you are more than likely extremely proud of your new, thinner, healthier body. You certainly do not want to lose your new feelings of self-confidence because your teeth will not stay in place when you laugh or talk. Having mini implants put in may be the best way to improve your smile and help keep your new high level of self-confidence intact.
Losing weight is tough, and when you succeed, you deserve to be healthy all over, including in your mouth. If your dentures have become loose after your losing weight, you do not have to settle for that. Find out today about your first step to having teeth that will not budge when they are snapped into place by making an appointment with a professional such as Marlton Dental Center.