The final row of molars that grow in the back of the jaw are known as wisdom teeth, and when these things come in, it can be a real pain for a lot of people. The wisdom teeth often grow in at awkward angles, putting pressure on the teeth that surround them, and sometimes, these molars never make it into an upright position or break through the skin at all. While most people associate wisdom tooth removal with a surgical procedure, this is not always the case. Sometimes, a dentist can remove a wisdom tooth in the office just like they would a regular tooth. 

When can a wisdom tooth be removed without surgery?

In most cases, dentists prefer to remove a wisdom tooth while you are under anesthesia because the tooth can be hard to get to and a little harder to pull. However, the tooth can usually still be removed in the office if the dentist is comfortable with the extraction and you as the patient are comfortable with the procedure. In some situations, the location of the tooth can make it hard for traditional local numbing agents to work as well as they should, so this is something to discuss with your dentist before having a wisdom tooth removed in the office. 

What are the advantages of having a wisdom tooth removed in the office?

The primary advantage of having a wisdom tooth removed through traditional extraction is the fact that the procedure is less time-consuming. You will be given local injections to numb the area and then the tooth will be extracted. If you have surgery to remove the tooth, you will have to spend some time in pre-op at the hospital and then in recovery as the anesthesia wears off. 

Is it possible to have all of your wisdom teeth removed by basic extraction?

It is possible in most cases for all of your wisdom teeth to be removed in the office as long as they are not completely embedded under the gum line. However, because the teeth are so large and take up so much space in the soft tissue of the mouth, your dentist will likely only remove one of the teeth at one time. Removing all of your wisdom teeth at once tends to require surgery because you will need sutures to hold the openings closed and prevent excessive bleeding and also encourage faster healing of the gum line. 
