While having a tooth extracted may sound scary, in reality, this is a very common and safe dental practice. Chances are that the tooth in need of extraction is causing you significant pain, which means that you will start to feel much better soon after you leave the dentist. While a dental extraction is nothing to fear, you will probably feel more at ease if you are prepared and know what to expect. Here are three tips to prepare for your tooth extraction:
Follow Pre-Care Instructions Carefully
Your dentist will give you specific instructions for what to do before your tooth extraction procedure. It's important to follow these instructions carefully to avoid complications, ensure the anesthesia works properly, and promote healing after your procedure. For example, you will likely be asked not to eat or drink before your appointment as doing so can make the anesthesia less effective or lead to nausea or medical complications. Remember that your dentist has your best wishes in mind and there are good reasons for all of their instructions.
Plan for the Day of the Procedure
It's also important to plan ahead for the day of your tooth extraction procedure. You will want to arrive at your appointment early so that you can fill out medical paperwork and get comfortable in the dental chair. You should wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing to your appointment. Most importantly, it is not safe to drive after receiving anesthesia so you will need to arrange for a ride home from your appointment. You will also be sleepy and possibly a bit sore after your procedure, so it's a good idea to plan to take it easy for the rest of the day instead of returning to work.
Have a Long-Term Dental Care Plan
Finally, consider working with your dentist to make a dental care plan for after the tooth extraction. Ask about your options for teeth replacement, such as dental implants. In addition, you should proactively schedule follow-up visits and check-ups based on your dentist's recommendations. This will ensure that the dental issues leading to your tooth extraction don't recur in the future, saving you from unnecessary pain and expense. Your dentist will likely also want to inspect the extraction after it's healed to make sure everything went well.
Before your dental extraction appointment, simply follow the tips in this post. Your dentist will also be there every step of the way to make sure you are comfortable.
Contact a local dentist to learn more about the tooth extraction procedure.